Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Access your Inner health and vitality

0439 450045

Clinic Location:

Samford, Brisbane
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What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Brisbane Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy at Samford ClinicThe body’s intelligence and ability to self heal is amazing - it constantly maintains and balances all your body systems on a moment by moment basis. It is something we all take for granted, but it is the most capable healing tool available to us.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is able to help many conditions, because it is based on facilitating your own body’s intelligence and highly evolved self repair mechanisms. Your system uses these to make changes throughout your body, at an integrated cellular level.

There is no better intelligence than the body’s own, in knowing the reasons for your current state of health and ALL the areas within the body affected by it. Your body’s innate intelligence, together with the facilitating practitioner, can achieve changes at every level to help your body work on getting back to it’s original ‘blueprint’ of health.  Your body leads the treatment, not the practitioner.

Brisbane Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy at Samford ClinicThe reason there is ill health or external symptoms (e.g. pain) is because the body’s systems have been overwhelmed by an injury, event, trauma, repetitive action/experience or imbalance (e.g. diet, hormonal, etc.)  At the time of this system ‘overload’, the body makes an initial response to isolate the affected areas, and then sets up compensatory mechanisms (such as using other muscle groups instead) to cope as well as possible.  

Given time, the body usually builds up enough internal resources or energy to re-address the problem areas, but if it cannot, it tries to further isolate the problems by putting in further compensatory responses.  Eventually, this no longer works, and external symptoms increase progressively.

Some examples of common symptom progression, if initial symptoms are not addressed:

  • repetitive strain injuries -> weakness spreads altering whole way of moving, more pain.
  • car accident -> whiplash and shock -> longer term pain and emotional trauma
  • acute muscle strain -> turns to chronic pain spreading to more areas of the body
  • stress -> fatigue, anxiety, depression, IBS, headaches -> more serious health conditions
  • witnessing/be part of a shocking event -> stress, headaches, nervousness, whole sympathetic body responses

In simple terms the body has put the underlying problem into the ‘too hard basket’ and stopped looking at it, concentrating instead on ways to mask, hide or compensate for it. 

Craniosacral therapy helps to refocus the body on the underlying problem, giving your own body intelligence the opportunity to re-address all related areas within the body at a holistic level  (i.e. encompassing all systems, and their inter-relations within the body – muscular skeletal, neurological, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, sensory, endocrine, etc).